We are packed up and ready to leave for the airport. Yesterday there was a protest and the only road to the airport was blocked from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. During that time the protesters did not allow any vehicles across their protest line which was inconvenient located across the main highway. Hopefully that will not happen today. If it does we will probably not be able to make it to the airport. Our local sources say that protests do not usually occur on Saturday. (Apparently protesters only work weekdays 9-5.)
Our flight leaves at 4:50 pm Eastern time. It arrives in Newark at 9:59 pm Eastern time. We will probably be arriving in Lancaster sometime after midnight. (Assuming that we do not run into any protests along the way.)
This will probably be the last post until we land in Newark. The wireless internet access at the Guatemala airport does not work.
See you soon.
I think they doth protest too much! Praying for your safe return.